Keplerstr. 17
70174 Stuttgart
Room: 9.025
Office Hours
by arrangement
A list can be found here.
Sommersemester 2020 | SWS |
Partizipationsrecht | 2 |
Planungsrecht | 2 |
Seminar zur Energiewende aus rechtswissenschaftlicher Sicht | 2 |
Seminar zu aktuellen staatsrechtlichen Themen | 2 |
Partizipationsrechtliches Kolloquium | 1 |
Praktikum Planung und Partizipation | 1 |
Wintersemester 2019/20 | |
Kommunalrecht | 2 |
Allgemeines Verwaltungsrecht mit rechtsmethodischer Einführung | 2 |
Umweltrecht | 2 |
Staatsrecht der BRD | 2 |
Partizipationsrechtliches Kolloquium | 1 |
Praktikum Planung und Partizipation | 1 |
- 1995-2001 Studies of Law, University of Giessen
- 2001 First State Examination in Law
- 2001/2002-2004 Legal clerkship at the District Court of Giessen
- 2004 Second state law examination
- 2004 Dissertation: "The consent of the municipality in parallel approval procedures - an investigation of § 36 para. 1 p. 2 1. Hs. BauGB using the example of nuclear law", University of Giessen, Prof. Dr. W. Kahl
- 2011/2012 Research Fellow at the Konstanz Center for Advanced Study in the Humanities "Cultural Foundations of Integration".
- 2012 Habilitation: "Statehood and Individuality - Studies on the Genesis of the Modern State and Civil Society," University of Tübingen, Prof. Dr. M. Nettesheim
- 2012/2013 Substitute Chair of Public Law and Environmental Science at the University of Bayreuth.
- 2013-2017 W2 professorship for public law at the University of Cologne
- since 10/2017 W3 professorship for law, especially public law at the University of Stuttgart