Latest Research
Bluhm, R., Dreher, A., Fuchs, A., Parks, B., Strange, A., Tierney, M. (2024). Connective financing: Chinese infrastructure projects and the diffusion of economic activity in developing countries. Journal of Urban Economics, forthcoming.
Bluhm, R., Lessmann, C., Schaudt, P. (2024). The political geography of cities. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, conditionally accepted.
Butler, J., Fehr, D. (2024). The Causal Effect of Cultural Identity on Cooperation. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 221.
Fehr, D., Mollerstrom, J., Perez-Truglia, R. (2024). Listen to Her: Gender Differences in Information Diffusion within the Household. Journal of Public Economics, forthcoming.
Fehr, D., Müller, D., Preuss, M. (2024). Social Mobility Perceptions and Inequality Acceptance. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 221.
Düben, C., Krause, M. (2023). The Emperor's Geography - City Locations, Nature and Institutional Optimisation. Economic Journal 133.
Bluhm, R., Burney, J., Benz, S., Hemes, K., Levy, M., Polonik, P., Ricke, K., Sanford, L. (2022). Disparate air pollution reductions during California’s COVID-19 economic shutdown. Nature Sustainability 5.
Bluhm, R., Krause, M. (2022). Top lights: Bright cities and their contribution to economic development. Journal of Development Economics 157.
Bluhm, R., McCord, G. (2022). What can we learn from nighttime lights for small geographies? Measurement errors and heterogeneous elasticities. Remote Sensing 14.
Fehr, D., Fink, G., Jack, K. (2022). Poor and Rational: Decision-Making under Scarcity. Journal of Political Economy 130.
Fehr, D., Mollerstrom, J., Perez-Truglia, R. (2022). Your Place in the World: Relative Income and Global Inequality. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 14.
Bluhm, R., Pinkovskiy, M. (2021). The spread of COVID-19 and the BCG vaccine: A natural experiment in reunified Germany. Econometrics Journal 24.
Budjan, A., Fuchs, A. (2021). Democracy and Aid Donorship. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 13.
Düben, C., Krause, M. (2021). Population, Light, and the Size Distribution of Cities. Journal of Regional Science 61.
Bluhm, R., de Crombrugghe, D., Szirmai, A. (2020). Do weak institutions prolong crises? On the identification, characteristics, and duration of declines during economic slumps. World Bank Economic Review 34.
Bluhm, R., Gassebner, M., Schaudt, P., Langlotz, S. (2020). Fueling conflict? (De)Escalation and bilateral aid. Journal of Applied Econometrics 32.
Bluhm, R., Thomsson, K. (2020). Holding on? Ethnic divisions, political institutions and the duration of economic declines. Journal of Development Economics 144.
Fehr, D., Rau, H., Trautmann, S., Xu, Y. (2020). Inequality, Fairness and Social Capital. European Economic Review 129.
Fehr, D., Heinemann, F., Llorente-Saguer, A. (2019). The Power of Sunspots: An Experimental Analysis. Journal of Monetary Economics 103.
Fehr, D., Sutter, M. (2019). Gossip and the Efficiency of Interactions. Games and Economic Behavior 113.
Bluhm, R., de Crombrugghe, D., Szirmai, A. (2018). Poverty accounting. European Economic Review 104.
Duffy, J., Fehr, D. (2018). Equilibrium Selection in Similar Repeated Games: Experimental Evidence on the Role of Precedents. Experimental Economics 21.
Fehr, D. (2018). Is Increasing Inequality Harmful? Experimental Evidence. Games and Economic Behavior 107.
Fehr, D., Schmid, J. (2018). Exclusion in All-Pay Auctions: An Experimental Investigation. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 27.
Fehr, D. (2017). Learning from Failure and Costly Communication in Organizational Coordination. European Economic Review 93.
Bluhm, R., de Crombrugghe, D., Szirmai, A. (2016). The dynamics of stagnation. Macroeconomic Dynamics 20.
Fehr, D., Huck, S. (2016). Who Knows it is a Game? On Strategic Awareness and Cognitive Ability. Experimental Economics 19.
Fehr, D., Hakimov, R., Kuebler, D. (2015). The Willingness to Pay-Willingness to Accept Gap: A Failed Replication of Plott and Zeiler. European Economic Review 78.
Binzel, C., Fehr, D. (2013). Giving and Sorting Among Friends: Evidence from a Lab-in-the-Field Experiment. Economics Letters 121.
Binzel, C., Fehr, D. (2013). Social Distance and Trust: Experimental Evidence from a Slum in Cairo. Journal of Development Economics 103.
Danz, D., Fehr, D., Kuebler, D. (2012). Information and Beliefs in a Repeated Normal-form Game. Experimental Economics 15.
Coricelli, G., Fehr, D., Fellner, G. (2004). Partner Selection in Public Goods Experiments. Journal of Conflict Resolution 48.