Dieses Bild zeigt Richard Bluhm

Richard Bluhm

TT.-Prof. Dr.

Tenure-Track Professor
Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre und Recht
Abteilung für Makroökonomik und Digitaler Wandel


Keplerstraße 17
70174 Stuttgart
Raum: 9.033


Montags 11:30-12:30, in Person/WebEx, nach Vereinbarung (Email)


  • Primär: Makroökonomik (insb. Wachstum), Politische Ökonomie, Entwicklung
  • Sekundär: Angewandte Ökonometrie, Data Science, Stadt- und Regionalökonomik
  1. Bluhm, R., Polonik, P., Hemes, K. S., Sanford, L. C., Benz, S. A., Levy, M. C., Ricke, K. L., & Burney, J. A. (2022). Disparate air pollution reductions during California’s COVID-19 economic shutdown. Nature Sustainability, 5(6), Article 6. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-022-00856-1
  2. Bluhm, R., & McCord, G. C. (2022). What Can We Learn from Nighttime Lights for Small Geographies? Measurement Errors and Heterogeneous Elasticities. Remote Sensing, 14(5), Article 5. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14051190
  3. Bluhm, R., & Krause, M. (2022). Top lights: Bright cities and their contribution to economic development. Journal of Development Economics, 157, 102880. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdeveco.2022.102880
  4. Bluhm, R., & Pinkovskiy, M. (2021). The spread of COVID-19 and the BCG vaccine: A natural experiment in reunified Germany. The Econometrics Journal, 24(3), Article 3. https://doi.org/10.1093/ectj/utab006
  5. Bluhm, R., Gassebner, M., Langlotz, S., & Schaudt, P. (2021). Fueling conflict? (De)escalation and bilateral aid. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 36(2), Article 2. https://doi.org/10.1002/jae.2797
  6. Bluhm, R., & Thomsson, K. (2020). Holding on? Ethnic divisions, political institutions and the duration of economic declines. Journal of Development Economics, 144, 102457. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jdeveco.2020.102457
  7. Bluhm, R., de Crombrugghe, D., & Szirmai, A. (2019). Do Weak Institutions Prolong Crises? On the Identification, Characteristics, and Duration of Declines during Economic Slumps. World Bank Economic Review, 34(3), Article 3. https://doi.org/10.1093/wber/lhz015
  8. Bluhm, R., de Crombrugghe, D., & Szirmai, A. (2018). Poverty accounting. European Economic Review, 104, 237–255. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.euroecorev.2018.03.003
  9. Bluhm, R., de Crombrugghe, D., & Szirmai, A. (2016). The dynamics of stagnation: A panel analysis of the onset and continuation of stagnation. Macroeconomic Dynamics, 20(8), Article 8. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1365100515000231

Akademische Laufbahn: 

Tenure-Track-Professor für VWL, insb. Makroökonomik und Digitaler Wandel
Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre und Recht
Universität Stuttgart, Deutschland

Lynen Forschungsstipendiat der Humboldt Stiftung & Visiting Assistant Professor
Department of Political Science & Global School of Policy and Strategy 
University of California, San Diego, USA

2015-2022 (on leave 2019-2022)
Akademischer Rat
Institut für Makroökonomik
Leibniz Universität Hannover,  Deutschland

Andere Affilierungen:

Mitglied des Entwicklungsökonomischen Ausschusses (des Verein für Socialpolitik), SoDa Labs at Monash University, AidData Research Consortium, Graduiertenkolleg "Globalization and Development" Göttingen and Hannover (RTG 1723), Maastricht University, UNU-MERIT

Forschungsaufenthalte  (> 2 Wochen):

University of California, San Diego, USA, Aug 2023 -Sep 2023
Universität St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Schweiz, Sep 2019
Hebräische Universität Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel, Feb 2019 -Apr 2019
Hebräische Universität Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel, Feb 2018 -Apr 2018

Link to full CV

The political geography of cities (with Christian Lessmann and Paul Schaudt).  SoDa Laboratories Working Paper Series No. 2021-11, Monash Business School, 2021. Revise and resubmit. American Economic Journal: Applied.

Ethnofederalism and ethnic voting (with R. Hodler and P. Schaudt). CESifo Working Paper No. 9314. CESifo Munich, 2021.

Connective financing: Chinese infrastructure projects and the diffusion of economic activity in developing countries (with Axel Dreher, Andreas Fuchs, Brad Parks, Michael Tierney and Austin Strange). CEPR DP14818. London, Centre for Economic Policy Research. Revise and resubmit. Journal of Urban Economics.

Local majorities: How administrative divisions shape comparative development (with Roland Hodler and Paul Schaudt), Economics Working Paper Series 2110, University of St. Gallen, School of Economics and Political Science.

Feodor Lynen Forschungsstipendium der Humboldt Stiftung, University of California San Diego, 2019-2022

Förderpreis für praxisrelevante Entwicklungsforschung, 1. Platz, Dissertationspreis des Vereins für Socialpolitik und der KfW Entwicklungsbank, 2016

Bester  "Lightning-talk" bei der Herrenhausen-Konferenz, VW Stiftung, 2015

Top 3% Preis der Maastricht University, 2010, Bester Masterabschluss der Fakultät

Fulbright Stipendium, 2007-2008

Terra incognita, Universität Stuttgart (50,000 EUR), Projektkoordinator, mit Gerda Asmus, Raphael Franck, Raphael Heiberger, 2022-2024

Baden-Württemberg/Connecticut Faculty Mobility Programm 2023 (2,250 EUR), Besuch an der Yale School of Environment, Sep 2023 

Volkswagen Stiftung, Forschungskooperation Niedersachsen - Israel, "Economic and ideological causes of political violence'" (Summe 300,000 EUR, mit Raphaël Franck und Andreas Fuchs), 2022-2024

RTG 1723 - Globalization and Development, Göttingen and Hannover, interne Förderung, 4,800 EUR (mit Tobias Korn und Gerda Asmus), 2019

DFG Sachbeihilfe für  "Shining (New) Light on Regional Inequality, Convergence and Development'" (Anteil 186,400 EUR, Summe 569,000 EUR, co-PI, mit Melanie Krause und Christian Lessmann), 2017--2021

EC (DG DEVCO) Projekt zu "Poverty and Inequality in Sub-Saharan Africa" (Anteil 25,000 EUR, Summer 50,000 EUR, 6 Monate, mit Denis de Crombrugghe und Augustin Fosu), 2015

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